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Youth Housing Program
The Youth Housing Program is funded by the City of Yellowknife with Reaching Home Funding.
This program is open to youth 16-24 who are in need of a safe space to live. There are multiple housing and apartment units throughout Yellowknife that are available for youth to live with their partner / independently / with roommates. Youth receive support from program staff to ensure they are caring for themselves and learning the required skills necessary to live semi-independently or independently.
If you or someone you know needs housing and support please reach out the Housing Manager at:
Call/Text 867-444-4663

What are the Core Principles of Housing First 4 Youth?

1. A right to housing with no preconditions:
- housing and supports are separated
2. Youth choice, youth voice, and self- determination:
- Limit of choice
- Must agree ti weekly contact
- if employed, are expected to contribute to cost of rent
3. Positive youth development and wellness orientation:
- trauma informed care
4. Individualized and client-driven supports with no limits:
- active engagement without coercion
5. Social inclusion and community integration:
- housing models that don't stigmatize
- opportunities for social, cultural and spiritual engagement
- proactively seeking out natural supports
- opportunities for engagement in meaningful activities
- connections with relevant professional supports

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