Home Base
Home Base YK is an organization dedicated to supporting youth in Yellowknife. All youth deserve access to safe programs and supportive housing - the foundation to achieving success in all other areas of their life.

Home Base YK provides housing and support to youth in Yellowknife in order for them to achieve life-long success.

No youth left out.

Goals and Objectives
Community: Maintain a culturally inclusive, safe and collaborative relationship with people and groups within our community.
Team: Ensure a safe and supportive work environment where staff are continually inspired and committed to empowering youth.
Youth: Provide safe and supportive programs to meet the unique needs of youth.
Organization: Home Base YK strives to be a fiscally responsible organization based on transparency and trust.
Our Supporters
Home Base YK operates with support from many amazing partners. We could not do the work we do without these partnerships. We also receive many one-time and monthly donations from individual supporters - thank you to everyone who supports us!